2014年4月8日 星期二

0326作業-RDA Core Elements

When describing a manifestation or item, include as a minimum all the elements listed below that are applicable and readily ascertainable.

Title proper 正題名 波西傑克森1:神火之賊(Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The                             Lightning Thief)

Statement of responsibility著者敘述
Statement of responsibility relating to title proper 正題名相關著者敘述 (if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 雷克.萊爾頓(Rick Riordan)

Edition statement 版本敘述 初版
Designation of edition 版本指定
Designation of a named revision of an edition 版本命名修訂指定

Numbering of serials 連續出版物編號
Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part of sequence創刊號或序列一部分的數字或字母順序標誌 (for first or only sequence)
Chronological designation of first issue or part of sequence創刊號或序列一部分的時間順序標誌 (for first or only sequence)
Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue or part of sequence上期或序列一部分的數字或字母順序標誌 (for last or only sequence)
Chronological designation of last issue or part of sequence上期或序列一部分的時間順序標誌 (for last or only sequence)

Production statement 製造敘述
Date of production 製造日期 (for a resource in an unpublished form)

Publication statement出版敘述
Place of publication 出版地 (if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 台灣
Publisher’s name 出版者 (if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 遠流
Date of publication 出版年 2009

Distribution statement經銷敘述
Place of distribution經銷地 (for a published resource, if place of publication not identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required)
Distributor’s name 經銷者 (for a published resource, if publisher not identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required)
Date of distribution經銷年 (for a published resource, if date of publication not identified)

Manufacture statement製造敘述
Place of manufacture製造地 (for a published resource, if neither place of publication nor place of distribution identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required)
Manufacturer's name製造者 (for a published resource, if neither publisher nor distributor identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required)
Date of manufacture製造年 (for a published resource, if neither date of publication, date of distribution, nor copyright date identified)

Copyright date版權日期
Copyright date 版權日期(if neither date of publication nor date of distribution identified)

Series statement集叢敘述
Title proper of series 集叢正題名
Numbering within series集叢編號
Title proper of subseries子集叢正題名
Numbering within subseries子集叢編號

Identifier for the manifestation載體表現識別碼
Identifier for the manifestation載體表現識別碼 (if more than one, prefer an internationally recognized identifier if applicable)

Carrier type載體類型
Carrier type載體類型 文字印刷本

Extent程度 (only if the resource is complete or if the total extent is known)