2014年6月15日 星期日



創建這個模型的方法是FRBR 中採用的實體分析技術。這個概念模型的發展包含以下

The method used to build this conceptual model is the entity analysis technique used in
FRBR. The development of such a conceptual model consists of the following steps15:
1) The analysis starts with the user tasks as well as the key objects that are of
interest to users in a specific domain.
2) The attention is not on individual data but on the “things” the data describe. Each
of the objects of interest or entities defined for the model serves as the focal
point for a cluster of data.
3) At a higher level, an entity diagram depicts the relationships that normally hold
between one type of entity and another type of entity.
4) Important characteristics or attributes of each entity are then identified.
5) Each attribute and relationship is mapped to the user tasks. Relative values of
importance are assigned to each attribute and relationship with specific reference
to the task performed and the entity that is the object of the user’s interest.

